In this quarter’s Launch Report we are excited to provide an interview with Mark Morse and IV Chandler of the Villages Land Company related to the success factors that have made The Villages the top selling master planned community for 14 of the last 20 years.
You will also find the 2020 Year End RCLCO Real Estate Advisors and Launch’s Top 50 Selling Master Planned Communities Financing Mechanisms related to how these top selling communities are financing their infrastructure.
Last but not least, we outline an issue we are noticing around the country that could cost land developers and builders hundreds of millions of dollars.
Carter Froelich, CPA
View Panel Discussion on Impact of Rising Interest Rates
Rising interest rates are impacting how land developers and builders are looking at the market. Click on the link below to learn more.
The Launch Report™ – First Quarter 2022
In this issue of the Launch Report we layout 45 development strategies that may be helpful as we move forward in an environment of increasing horizontal construction costs, supply chain challenges, and rising interest rates.
I hope you enjoy!
Carter Froelich
How the top selling master planned communities are financing infrastructure
RCLCO Real Estate Advisors (“RCLCO”), along with Launch Development Finance Advisors, have updated their listing for year-end 2021 outlining how the 50 Top-Selling Master Planned Communities in the United States are financing their infrastructure. For the updated list, click on the link below.
Top-Selling Master Planned Communities
For more information regarding market-related conditions behind the success of top-selling projects, contact RCLCO’s Gregg Logan or Karl Pischke or respectively.
For more information regarding public financing structures, contact Launch’s Pam Giss or Carter Froelich or respectively.
The Launch Report™ – Fourth Quarter 2021
This issue of The Launch Report™ is dedicated to the memory of Larry Johnson, founder of Johnson Development Corporation, and one of the nation’s most successful developers who unexpectedly passed away in January 2022. Michael Cox, President of Johnson Development Services as well as Larry’s business partner and friend, discusses the impact that Larry had on the industry as well as his career. Michael also shares lessons learned over his long career, ingredients of a successful master planned community and advice for the new generation of developers entering the marketplace.
Also, in this quarter’s issue is RCLCO Real Estate Advisor’s and Launch’s drill down of how the top 50 selling master planned communities are financing their infrastructure as well as a recap of the most common reimbursement errors that cost a development company time and money. This article also includes a link to a 20 minute video podcast that explores this issue in greater detail.
We hope that you enjoy this quarter’s Launch Report.
The Launch Report™ – Third Quarter 2021
In this issue of The Launch Report™ you will find an in-depth interview with Heath Melton, the President of Howard Hughes Phoenix Division in relation to their recent acquisition of the 37,000 acre Douglas Ranch master planned community located in Phoenix’s West Valley.
You will also find an article by Nick Kral on the importance of properly estimating fees and special district financing amounts when performing due diligence. Lastly there is information on California’s Assembly Bill 602 and Senate Bill 319 which attempt to address issues with transparency related to California development impact fees.
Carter Froelich, CPA
The Launch Report™- Second Quarter 2021
In this issue of The Launch Report™ you will find a multimedia presentation by Carter Froelich (Launch Development Finance Advisors) and Misty Ventura (Shupe Ventura, PLLC) related to Infrastructure Financing Solutions for Texas Developers and Home Builders – Opportunities / Landmines” as well as LaunchNewsletter_2Q21R and Launch Development Finance Advisor’s analysis of the 50 Top-Selling Master Planned Communities Infrastructure Financing Mechanisms along with an article related to common reimbursement processing mistakes.
Carter Froelich, CPA
The Launch Report™ – First Quarter 2021
In the 1Q21 issue of the Launch Report you will find Land Advisors Organization’s residential land market overview for 18 markets; a check list of 25 potential land mines to avoid during a frothy real estate market; the tangled mess of California attempting to add 3.5 million homes to the state’s housing stock and, the introduction of a new non-recourse, long term (30 year), tax exempt and taxable bond vehicle that requires no local jurisdictional approval that can be used to construct both public and private infrastructure.
Launch Report
Kind Regards,
Carter Froelich, CPA
How the Top Selling Master Planned Communities are Financing Infrastructure
RCLCO Real Estate Advisors (“RCLCO”), along with Launch Development Finance Advisors, have updated their listing for year ended 2020 related to how the 50 Top-Selling Master Planned Communities in the United States are financing their infrastructure. For the updated list, click on the link below.
Top-Selling Master Planned Communities
For more information regarding market-related conditions behind the success of top-selling projects, contact RCLCO’s Gregg Logan or Karl Pischke or respectively.
For more information regarding public financing structures, contact Launch’s Pam Giss or Carter Froelich or respectively.
The Launch Report 4Q2020 – Interview with Mark Morse of The Villages
In this quarter’s Launch Report we are excited to provide an interview with Mark Morse and IV Chandler of the Villages Land Company related to the success factors that have made The Villages the top selling master planned community for 14 of the last 20 years.
You will also find the 2020 Year End RCLCO Real Estate Advisors and Launch’s Top 50 Selling Master Planned Communities Financing Mechanisms related to how these top selling communities are financing their infrastructure.
Last but not least, we outline an issue we are noticing around the country that could cost land developers and builders hundreds of millions of dollars.
Carter Froelich, CPA
The Launch Report™ – Third Quarter 2020
In this quarter’s issue of The Launch Report we have dedicated the entire issue to an interview with Fred Balda and Elaine Ford of Hillwood Communities on the topic of creating community within master planned communities. I think that you will find the information and insights provided by Mr. Balda and Ms. Ford invaluable.
We have also included the Mid-year RCLCO Real Estate Advisors and Launch Development Finance Advisors Top Selling Master Planned Communities Infrastructure Financing Mechanisms chart outlining how the top selling master planned communities are financing their infrastructure.
Best wishes to you and yours as we move into the holiday season.
Carter Froelich