Before we outline what is included in this quarter’s Launch Report™, we are happy to announce that Launch Development Finance Advisors has merged with Land Advisors Organization (
The combination with Land Advisors, expands Launch’s geographic reach and provides the critical component of infrastructure financing to a national organization that can truly provide an “end-to-end solution” for investors, owners and consumers of land.
In this quarter’s Launch Report our Guest Corner author is Eric Higuchi, the Principal of Qtative. Eric has a provided a great article in relation to strategic planning as it relates to land disposition.
Also in this issue you will find special district financing review related to the Top 15 selling master planned communities as reported by RCLCO (
Other articles include, the importance of Reimbursement Agreements related to SID financings in Nevada in addition to a Developer’s Continuing Disclosure Obligations.
Naturally, we have included third quarter market information for all of the markets in which Launch and Land Advisors provide services.
Carter Froelich, CPA
Managing Principal
Another Successful Closing – Sunstone
Sunstone (Phases I & II)
City of Las Vegas, Nevada
October 20, 2020
Yield: 4.16%
Maximum Term: 29.5 years
Value-to-Lien Ratio: 4.29 to 1
Average Assessment Per Unit: $11,171
Average Assessment Lien Per Assessable Acre: $80,834
Underwriter: Stifel Nicolaus
Purpose: To reimburse the developer (an affiliate of Lennar Homes, Shea Homes and Woodside Homes) for the costs of regional roadway, water and sewer improvements related to the development of the Sunstone master planned community located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
For more information or how we may assist in the financing of public improvements related to your project, contact Carter Froelich, CPA at 1-855-970-0003 ex. 4355 or email at
The Launch Report™ – Second Quarter 2020
We are happy to present the Launch Report for the second quarter of 2020.
In this issue, Randall Lewis of the Lewis Group of Companies, provides observations on the linchpins of successful master planned community development.
In addition to the Land Advisor Organization’s Markets at a Glance, the Launch Report contains articles related to:
The Launch Report – 2Q 2020
We trust that you will enjoy this quarter’s issue of the Launch Report.
Carter Froelich
The Launch Report™ – First Quarter 2020
In this issue of The Launch Report™ you’ll find an article by Tripp Davenport and Robert Rivera of FMSBonds; the premier Public Improvement District (“PID”) underwriters in the state of Texas, on the advantages of using PID’s to finance public improvements.
Launch Development Finance Advisors and RCLCO Real Estate Advisors (“RCLCO”) provide insight on how the top 15 selling master planned communities as identified RCLCO’s year end 2019 survey are financing their infrastructure.
Additionally, you’ll find articles related to: The Success Manual for Uncertain Times; Dispelling the Myths of Arizona Community Facilities Districts; Infrastructure Costs Post Coronavirus; Recent Texas Legislative Changes, as well as information on the Boise Housing Market.
Lastly, we provide Land Advisors Organization’s snapshots of the 4Q19’s housing statistics for selected markets.
I hope that you enjoy this quarter’s issue.
Carter Froelich
The Launch Report™ – Fourth Quarter 2019
I trust that you will enjoy this quarter’s publication!
Carter Froelich
Managing Principal
The Launch Report™ – Third Quarter 2019
Before we outline what is included in this quarter’s Launch Report™, we are happy to announce that Launch Development Finance Advisors has merged with Land Advisors Organization (
The combination with Land Advisors, expands Launch’s geographic reach and provides the critical component of infrastructure financing to a national organization that can truly provide an “end-to-end solution” for investors, owners and consumers of land.
In this quarter’s Launch Report our Guest Corner author is Eric Higuchi, the Principal of Qtative. Eric has a provided a great article in relation to strategic planning as it relates to land disposition.
Also in this issue you will find special district financing review related to the Top 15 selling master planned communities as reported by RCLCO (
Other articles include, the importance of Reimbursement Agreements related to SID financings in Nevada in addition to a Developer’s Continuing Disclosure Obligations.
Naturally, we have included third quarter market information for all of the markets in which Launch and Land Advisors provide services.
Carter Froelich, CPA
Managing Principal
RCLCO / Launch Financing Diagnostic of Top-Selling Master Planned Communities
Launch advisors have just completed a financial diagnostic into the RCLCO Real Estate Advisor’s Midyear 2019 Top Selling Master Plan Communities Report in order to estimate the amount of net bond proceeds being generated by special district bonds for the top 15 selling master planned communities.
On average, the top 15 communities are generating net proceeds ranging between $2,900 to $135,000 per unit with an average of $27,000. Total property taxes as a percentage of home price including special district taxes is approximately 1.64%. Click on the link below to see the full report.
Midyear 2019 Top Selling Master Plan Communities Report
Should you care to discuss our findings or how special district financing may benefit your project, contact Carter Froelich at
The Launch Report™ – Second Quarter 2019
In this issue of The Launch Report™ you’ll find a compelling article by Gregg Logan of RCLCO Real Estate Advisors (“RCLCO”) on how demographic trends are up-ending the housing market but simultaneously creating opportunities for developers who are in tune with this aspect of market dynamics.
Launch Development Finance Advisors provides our insights on how the Top 50 Master Planned Communities as identified in RCLCO’s mid-year 2019 survey are financing their infrastructure.
We also provide an overview of the Public Improvement District statute that was recently passed by the Utah legislature which we anticipate will be the “go to” financing vehicle for master planned developers and builders in Utah.
This issue also discusses the ramifications of recent changes to New Mexico’s Public Improvement District statute that impacts the governance of districts and the ability of developers to maintain control of the Districts through the critical financing period.
Lastly, we provide Land Advisors Organization’s snapshot of the second quarter’s housing statistics for selected markets.
Carter Froelich, CPA
Managing Principal
The Launch Report – 1Q19
In this quarter’s Launch Report we address the issue of reducing ever increasing infrastructure costs.
Greg Vogel, CEO of Land Advisors Organization, this issue’s guest writer, explores what he has dubbed as “the $250 (per front foot) problem”.
We have also included examples of how to offset $250 (front foot) of costs, as well as recent financing transactions and local market insights from the Land Advisor’s Organization.
Carter Froelich, CPA
Managing Principal
Marana Adopts a New CFD Policy
The Town of Marana (“Town”) adopted a new CFD policy (“Policy”) at its regular Council Meeting on June 4, 2019.
2019 Amended CFD Policy FINAL
The highlights of the Policy include:
A. Two Tiered CFD Structure
B. Increase in the General Obligation Bond Authorization period from 7 years to 15 years or 75% development of lots.
C. CFD Application Fee of $15,000 and $50,000 deposit.
D. Requirement for the maintenance of $100,000 in cash or letter of credit to fund operations and maintenance costs until such time as the $0.30 operations and maintenance tax exceeds $100,000 per year.
E. Requirement that Applicant fund $2 million of coverage for CFD Directors and Officers Insurance.
Buckeye, AZ Adopts Revitalization District Policy
On May 21, 2019 the Buckeye City Council adopted a policy related to the use of Revitalization Districts (“RD”) to assist in the financing of ever increasing infrastructure costs. This is an important milestone for the City and proves that Buckeye is “open for business” and is willing to work collaboratively with the private sector.
City of Buckeye RD Policy
For more information on how RD financing may benefit your development project, contact Carter Froelich at 480-874-4355 or email at