Unique Processes

Our professionals have developed a number of Unique Processes that can only be found at Launch. These include:

The Launch Bond™

The Launch Bond™ is an early-stage financing development by Launch Development Finance Advisors to bridge the gap between upfront infrastructure expenditures and revenue events. The Launch Bond™ was developed solely to provide another financing tool for the development and home building communities to assist in the financing of infrastructure and the return of capital.  See www.thelaunchbond.com for more information

The Launch Sequence™

The Launch Sequence™ is Launch Development Finance Advisors’ unique approach to plan, implement and manage special district financings for the private sector.

Established over 35 years of working with land developers and home builders from California to Florida and everywhere in between, The Launch Sequence™ works on projects ranging in size from 5 acres to 56,000 acres. The Launch Sequence™ works all of the time, every time to assist our clients finance infrastructure, reduce costs and mitigate risk, all with the goal of enhancing project profitability and returns.

Download: The Launch Sequence™ Flyer

The Launch Reimbursement System™

Let the professionals at Launch accelerate the receipt of your company’s special district bond proceeds through the use of The Launch Reimbursement System™ (“LRS”) . The LRS is a secure database interface combined with a series of unique processes developed over the years working with our land developer and public home builder clients. The LRS works with all special districts (e.g., CFD, SID, PID, MUD, TIRZ, CDD, Metro, etc.) and allows you and your employees to focus on other matters while Launch professionals provide timely management reports and process all district reimbursements.

The Launch Finance Plan™

A custom written report developed to outline the proposed financing requests to public entities to finance public infrastructure required for master-planned communities. The Finance Plan™ is presented to jurisdictions for their conceptual review and prior to moving forward with the preparation of legal documents to implement the planned financing.

Download: The Launch Finance Plan™ Flyer

The RED Analysis™

A unique process created to reduce, eliminate, and defer (“RED”) infrastructure costs required to develop master planned communities with the goal of enhancing project profitability.

The Project Vision™

A proprietary checklist created over 40 years to evaluate, plan and implement large scale master planned community infrastructure and special taxing district financings.

Download: The Project Vision™ Flyer

Project Diagnostic Review

An extensive review of  development and financing entitlements as well as a critique of existing or proposed financing structures  in order to make suggestions for the creation of developer flexibility focused on  reducing costs, accelerating  cash into the proforma and maximizing financial returns.

The "DIF"scovery Process

A proven process developed to review and evaluate development impact fee (“DIF”) studies prepared by jurisdictional consultants. The DIF studies are reviewed for fairness, equity, and compliance with industry standards and  statutory requirements.  Since we began keeping score, our DIFscovery Process has lead to an average 22% reduction in the DIFs we have reviewed on behalf of our private sector clients.

The Lookback Diagnostic Review

A review of entitlement documents, legal agreements, budgets and accounting records to determine that companies are collecting reimbursements for public improvements for which they are entitled. To date this process has lead the identification and collection of  $133 million  for 33 national and regional home builders.

The Litigation Support Advantage

Provide litigation support,  analysis, reports and/or expert witness testimony in matters of surrounding public infrastructure,  development impact fees, public finance and municipal judgements.

The Legislative Game Plan

Working with development industry representatives, we prepare legislation favorable to the establishment of the flexible, useful  public infrastructure financing vehicles and lobby for their adoption. To date we have been successful in the passage of legislation in Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina and Texas.

The District Management Solution

Provide special district management services including public hearing notices, public hearings, minutes, budgets,  billing, and collection  services related to special district ad valorem and/or special assessment payments.

The One Stop Solution

The planning, implementation, and administration of special taxing districts. Including the establishment of the district, public bidding and/or compliance with prevailing wage requirements, the issuance of bonds and the processing of construction draws and/or reimbursement binders for payment by the district.

The Project Cash Flow Analysis™

Financial analysis illustrating the financial impacts of various special district financing structures on a project’s financial returns.

The Fiscal Impact Maximizer

Provides detailed estimates of  a development project’s financial and economic impact on a jurisdiction’s general fund utilizing the jurisdiction’s existing levels of service and actual operating results from the jurisdiction’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This analysis is typically done as part of the entitlement process if jurisdictional representatives are concerned that a development project may have a negative impact on their general fund.

The Builder Fee Report

Don’t be surprised at the permit window again. The Builder Fee Report estimates  the total fee to be paid when pulling a building permit. This includes but is not limited to: municipal fees, development impact fees, water district fees, school fees, and any other type of fees and/or mitigation payments that me be required as a condition of approval.